people talking in front of a monitor with graphics
For First time registration
Join us in advancing scientific knowledge at SLAC

Contribute to collaborative projects in physics, chemistry, and materials science. Work with SLAC scientists, use our state-of-the-art facility, and drive innovation.

Scientific Collaborative Researcher registration

Exclusively for NEW, FIRST-TIME Collaborative Researchers at SLAC, this registration process is designed to ensure a smooth onboarding experience. Before you begin, please consult your SLAC Point of Contact (POC) regarding the project you will be involved in.

Not sure if you’re already registered in the SLAC User Registry? 
Please reach out to your Point of Contact (POC).


  • Click the "Enrollment" button below to start the enrollment process. You will be asked to authenticate using your home institution’s credentials.
  • After submission, anticipate receiving an automated email from SLAC Registry Service confirming your enrollment request. Click "Accept" to move your request to Pending Approval status.
  • Upon approval, you will receive an email regarding the next steps. 

Need step-by-step instructions?
Scientific Collaborative Researcher registration
