
Records Management Service Level Agreement


Records Management Service Level Agreement


The SLAC Records Manager supports the records management needs of the laboratory, as resources allow, by:

  • Appraising and scheduling SLAC’s records
  • Facilitating the retrieval of temporary paper records from storage at the Federal Records Center (FRC) and the transfer of permanent federal records in electronic form to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
  • Providing guidance on relevant US Department of Energy (DOE) Records Schedules, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) General Records Schedules (GRS), and SLAC records schedules.

Our goal is to provide an efficient and effective service, and to be responsive.



Records Management (RM) at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is the responsibility of individual operating units of the Laboratory. The SLAC Records Manager assists lab staff in their individual offices’ records management efforts. Lab staff members, with the guidance and assistance of the SLAC Records Manager, apply DOE Records Schedules in order to comply with contract requirements and in order to allow the lab to take advantage of the services of the Federal Records Center (FRC).


Services provided by the SLAC Records Manager are constrained by the level of resources available. The SLAC Records Manager provides the guidance and tools necessary to help SLAC staff manage their business records. This Records Management Service Level Agreement (SLA) outlines the basic services that are provided from the resources allocated by the laboratory.


SLAC’s Records Manager can advise on appropriate handling of other, non-paper record formats, but is primarily responsible for assessing, scheduling, and storing temporary paper records at this time. A separate SLA provides guidance and tools relating to the laboratory’s Archival program for permanent retention, historical records.


This SLA is intended to encourage a two-way process whereby:

*the services provided by the SLAC Records manager reflect both the current needs of the lab and the lab's current records management best practices.

*both the laboratory staff expectations of the SLAC Records Manager and the SLAC Records Manger's expectations of staff are described.


The Agreement is reviewed as needed. We welcome comments on it at any time. These may be sent directly to the, Archives, History & Records Office at



General Information


SLAC Records Management services are delivered by the SLAC Records Manager on as an as-needed basis to staff who request records appraisal, scheduling, transfer, retrieval or refile. All service requests are to be submitted via email to Records appraisals, scheduling and transfer requests are conducted with in-person consultations; record retrievals and refiles are handled via SLAC IT Service Catalog only.




Designated SLAC employees can request file retrievals, refiles or appraisals for their own organizational unit’s records. The Records Manager provides these staff members with records scheduling and facilitates reference (retrieval and return) services with the FRC.



Responsibilities of RM Requestors

Authorized SLAC staff must have successfully completed Privacy Awareness Training in order to request personnel files from the FRC. These requests must be made via the SLAC IT Service Catalog (or email to


Description of RM Services


For each service the RM offers, the following information is given:


NOTE:    Please see AHRO terms explained or ask the Records Manager for clarification of any records management terms or any other questions.


Service name

The name of the service

Basic description

An outline description of the service


Which categories of staff are entitled to use the service

RM responsibility

Details of what the Records Manager offers for the service

RM Requestor responsibility

Any users of the service are expected to conform to these criteria

Service charges

Details of charges where applicable

Service hours

Availability of the service

Service targets

Any target response or delivery times



Service name

Appraise and Scheduling SLAC Temporary Records

Basic description

The SLAC RM staff are available to consult with SLAC staff regarding records (regardless of format) created as part of the laboratory’s official business and will assist them in determining the appropriate retention period for inactive temporary records.


SLAC units holding inactive records.

RM responsibility

  • Review records onsite in offices, storage or other locations at the lab
  • Provide appraisal of records, according to relevant DOE and NARA records control schedule guidelines
  • Consult with other staff of the SLAC Archives History & Records Office (AHRO) on appraisal of and on preparation of inventories for inactive permanent retention records
  • Provide guidance on appropriate handling and storage of permanent retention (archival) records (See Archives SLA for further guidance)

RM Requestor responsibility

  • Submit all requests for services to SLAC IT Service Catalog (or via email to:
  • Advise RM staff of the existence and location of inactive records needing appraisal
  • Provide sufficient description of records for proper appraisal
  • Provide safe and secure storage of inactive records pending their appraisal and disposition
  • Ensure records are dispositioned promptly according to the records schedules.

Service charges

  • Records Manager’s services are a Core Laboratory service: No charges apply


Service hours

By appointment with Records Management staff

Service targets

Appraisal consultation usually conducted within one week of initial request, subject to current workload constraints


Service name

Transfer SLAC Inactive, Permanent Federal Records to NARA

NOTE: Transfer of inactive, temporary paper records to FRC ceased after 6/30/2024.

Basic description

Prepare inactive permanent federal records in electronic form for transfer to NARA.


SLAC records that have been appraised as permanent federal records and accepted for transfer by NARA.

RM responsibility

  • Provide guidance on preparing permanent  records according to records disposition schedules and digitization requirements
  • Facilitate transfer request in NARA Electronic Records Archive (ERA) system with DOE
  • Conduct final review and transfer of records

RM Requestor responsibility

  • Submit all requests for services via the SLAC IT Service Catalog (or via email to:
  • Digitize any analog or paper records according to federal regulations and DOE guidance prior to transfer.
  • Prepare a detailed inventory of records, including metadata according to federal requirements.
  • Maintain records in a secure location until transfer to NARA is approved and accomplished
  • Assist Shipping Department by providing access to the boxes for transfer

Service charges

  • Records Manager’s services are a Core Laboratory service: No charges apply
  • Retiring office is responsible for any necessary preparation or digitization, including project management and costs.

Service hours

Monday-Friday, standard work hours

Service targets

SLAC Records Manager

  • Completes the review within 5 days of receiving NARA approval



Service name

Retrieve Temporary SLAC Records from FRC

Basic description

Retrieval of files from federal storage on either a temporary or permanent withdrawal request.


SLAC units that have retired inactive, temporary retention records, in paper format, to FRC.

RM responsibility

  • Verify that requester is authorized to retrieve requested record(s) (is with retiring office)
  • Request retrieval of file from FRC
  • Receive retrieved file from FRC
  • Provide safe and secure storage of material pending requester pickup
  • Notify requester of availability of requested material
  • Return retrieved material to FRC, if required

RM Requestor responsibility

  • Submit all requests for services in the SLAC IT Service Catalog (or to
  • Request retrieval of file retired by their work unit with complete information from transfer documentation and inventory
  • Pick up material promptly. Sign and date the log sheet.
  • Provide safe and secure storage of retrieved material while on site at SLAC
  • For temporary withdrawals: Return files promptly and securely when no longer needed for current business

Service charges

  • Records Manager’s services are a Core Laboratory service: No charges apply
  • Requesting office is responsible for paying the shipping cost for returning boxes to the FRC

Service hours

Monday-Friday, standard work hours

Service targets

File retrieval request made within 5 business days of request