Connecting to the Network

SLAC Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Requirements for SLAC VPN access

To access the SLAC VPN, you will need a SLAC Active Directory (Windows) account that is enabled for VPN. To enable your account for VPN access, click here to be taken to the VPN Request form.
Two-step authentication is required for VPN access as well. If you are not already enrolled in Duo two-factor authentication, click here for enrollment instructions.

How to Connect to SLAC VPN 

On SLAC-built Windows devices, the VPN client (Cisco Secure Client) is pre-installed, so you can just go to the Start menu and launch Cisco Secure Client. Ensure the connection string is "" and click on Connect. Enter your SLAC's windows credentials, accept the banner and you are connected as indicated in the task bar.
1: Screenshot of VPN connect window

2: screenshot of VPN login window

3: screenshot of VPN two factor passcode window
4: screenshot of VPN User Agreement window

5: screenshot of VPN successful connection window

If the Cisco Secure Client is not already on your device...

Open a web browser and go to Logon with your SLAC Windows credentials (username must NOT be prefixed with "SLAC\"). Then click on "Download". The VPN client will be installed/upgraded if necessary before connecting you (this is working on Windows, linux and MAC OS).

Operating system-specific instructions.

Additional Resources