Program • On Schedule

Identity and Access Management (IAM)

The Identity and Access Management (IAM) Program is one essential part of the larger Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) initiative currently underway to strengthen SLAC’s cyber posture. It is changing the way we do business at SLAC. 

Zero Trust is a security framework built on the principles of explicit verification, least privileged access, and breach assumption. IAM processes grant targeted access control and visibility for centrally managing resources. SLAC IT’s IAM Program includes multiple technologies and business processes, focusing on three critical areas:

  • One Identity Management System for SLAC: Uses multi factor authentication, providing users with a streamlined and easier login process.

  • Universal Registration Process via the New Identity Portal: Allows research collaborators from other institutions to use their home credentials for accessing necessary information.

  • Modernized Approach to Application Access/Entitlements: Grants access based on role and need, enhancing how IAM benefits the Lab.


How IAM Benefits the Lab

IAM benefits to SLAC

SLAC IAM Program Components

There are several related projects that will implement a single sign-on experience and a modern, adaptable, and scalable user access infrastructure. The graphic below illustrates the interrelated nature of these projects and specifies individual responsibilities. 

IAM consists of many related projects

SLAC IAM Overview

SLAC’s IAM Program provides a structure for consolidating, monitoring, and dictating access to SLAC-owned information and systems. 

Project updates


Primary Authentication Method

YubiKey Required

YubiKey will be the primary authentication method for employees. The deadline for all staff to adopt YubiKey is Sept. 30, 2024, when YubiKeys will also be required for international travel.  

Learn more(requires login)

Web-enabled Single Sign-On

Login changes on SLAC applications

Web-enabled Single Sign-On

SLAC applications will start to adopt this new sign-on feature. Once sites are SSO enabled, there will be a new login experience with an option of logging in using either SLAC or Stanford credentials. 

What to expect(requires login)

Applications administrator actions(requires login)

SLAC Cardinal Key

Password-Less Authentication

Improve Your Login Experience with Cardinal Key

SLAC IT is excited to announce SLAC Cardinal Key, a digital credential installed on devices that offers passwordless logins for Stanford applications, is now available on most SLAC-managed devices.

Learn more 

SLAC Email Unix

Email Account Policies

UNIX Email Sunset

In partnership with SLAC IT Cybersecurity, the IAM Program is sunsetting the UNIX email application. New onboarding and entitlement policies will impact facility user sponsors and UNIX email account holders. Understand how this affects you and the available SLAC IT support to facilitate this transition.

Learn more (requires login)

IAM Project Timeline
  • Completed
    Update Password Policy
  • Completed
    UNIX Email End of Life
  • Available Now
    SLAC Cardinal Key

    Users: get your SLAC Cardinal Key now.

    Get SLAC Cardinal Key(external link)

  • Available Now for Free

    The Service Desk will visit each building on campus to distribute a free YubiKey to each employee. YubiKeys will be available for a fee starting October 1, 2024.

    Request a YubiKey

  • Starting June 6, 2024
    Web-Enabled SSO for Application Administrators

    Web SSO enable your applications for ease of use and compliance with the ZTA order.

    Get Help(requires login)

  • Starting June 6, 2024
    Federation & Role-based Access/Entitlements

    Application administrators: Enable your application with these features to take advantage of streamlined access.

    Visiting researchers and staff need access to certain applications while they're visiting. To ease access, this functionality will allow these visitors to use their home institution credentials to access these applications. Additionally, these features will automate access based on role.

    Federated login experience

    Role based access >(requires login)

  • TBD
    SLAC Identity Portal Build

    Sponsors of non-employees to SLAC will have a new portal to begin the process of onboarding. 

  • TBD
    Sponsors of Non-Employee Training
  • TBD
    Other Identity Systems Decommissioned

    In accordance with the ZTA Order, there is to be one identity management system at SLAC. All other identity management systems will be decommissioned by 2025.