A presenter in a dark room pointing at a large screen displaying complex data visualizations.
Welcome to Business Intelligence

We’re here to help you make data-driven decisions with faster insights and secure data sharing. If you need any guidance, our BI team is ready to assist.


Business Intelligence

The goal of Business Intelligence (BI) at SLAC is to empower better-informed decision-making across the lab. To achieve this objective, SLAC IT implements efficient processes for analyzing and securely sharing data while connecting SLAC users to the resources they need to effectively use Tableau—the lab’s primary business intelligence and dashboard software.

A Business Intelligence infographic with four colored boxes representing key benefits: "Faster data insights," "Secure data sharing," "Richer decision-making," and "Common analytics standards.

How Business Intelligence benefits the lab

  • Deliver faster insights to data consumers
  • Enable easier sharing of data securely
  • Enhance decision-making with richer insights
  • Enable common standards and best practices for analytics


Business Intelligence team can help


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Business Intelligence 
Program Manager
Stephen Hanna