September 21, 2023

DOE CIO Ann Dunkin visits SLAC

DOE CIO/CISO summit held at SLAC.

By IT Communications

​DOE CIO Ann Dunkin visited with SLAC IT staff during an in-person and remote meeting as part of the DOE CIO/CISO summit held at SLAC. She gave an overview of the DOE CIO organization, some of the challenges we face and took questions from the audience.

group photo of DOE OCIO and SLAC IT staff
DOE CIO Ann Dunkin, DOE OCIO staff and SLAC IT staff. (Photo: Jacqueline Orrell, SLAC EC&SA)

The CIOs and CISOs from DOE Headquarters, the seventeen National Labs, the four Federal Power Administrations, and the five National Nuclear Security Administration sites met to discuss various IT and Cyber topics during the summit, which is held every six months. 

groups meeting in conference room
DOE CIO summit meeting. (Photo: SLAC IT)

For more information about the Office of the Chief Information Officer please visit Office of the Chief Information Officer | Department of Energy

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